HWS Clinical Excellence

Supply (Chain) and Demand

Written by HealthTrust Workforce Solutions | Jul 8, 2020 5:16:09 PM

At the onset of COVID-19, management and conservation of personal protective equipment became a crucial part of the equation to ensure our frontline caregivers are supported as they care for patients.

“We are blessed to have all the PPE and equipment we need to appropriately care for our patients while staying protected,” said Noel Edwards, an HCA Healthcare nurse at Rapides Regional Medical Center in Alexandria, Louisiana. “Our workload has increased but we have adapted, communicated and come together to provide the best care for our COVID-19 patients.”

Read more about our supply chain heroes who work hard to ensure facilities and staff have the supplies necessary to support high-quality care, even during a global pandemic ➡️ https://bit.ly/2AngZsr