
HWS Clinical Ops

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Standard NUR Template North Florida Division

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Aug 14, 2020 10:17:37 AM

Corporate Information Technology Group (ITG) has deployed new eSAF “Core Access” functionality that automates provisioning of Direct Care Nursing Access for Meditech users in North Florida Division.

This new eSAF functionality solves the challenges of new direct care nurses being “hired” into a new or existing Lawson Position Code that is not setup for role-based/entitled system access.

Adoption of standardized Meditech access templates for direct care nurses will provide noteworthy relief to nurses, managers, and ITG personnel. 

Additionally, adoption of standardized Meditech MIS user mnemonics will make it easier to “share” nurses across markets and divisions and eliminate the need to change MIS user mnemonics.

Standardized Meditech access templates for the Division will include more options on the main Meditech menu and some menus may look different, resulting in a period of adjustment as nurses become accustomed to the new access. A minimal adjustment period is expected, with most nurses achieving a level of comfort within hours.

Nursing staff will also be granted access to all facilities in their Division/market.

The deployment of the project is the week of September 1.

Please see attached education. 


Topics: North Florida Division, All Nurses

ECMO Huddle Card

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Aug 12, 2020 5:23:42 PM

Please review the attached ECMO Huddle Card detailing:

  • ECMO Documentation
  • The Importance of ECMO Documentation
  • ECMO Modes
  • ECMO Family Meeting Process

Additional resources on ECMO can be found on Atlas Connect and by Scanning the QR Code. 

ECMO Huddle Card


Thank you for your DEDICATION to Patient Care!

Topics: ICU

Safety Update: GE Dash Patient Monitors

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Aug 6, 2020 4:48:19 PM

Please ensure all GE Dash Patient Monitors are being tested before use on each patient. An issue has been identified indicating a potential issue with the audio alarm not functioning properly. 


  1. Test each device one time per shift, at a minimum.
    • Refer to the Dash™ 4000 Operator's Manual for the location and operation of the SILENCE button.  The Dash™ 4000 produces an audible beep tone when the SILENCE button is pressed. This confirms the audio function of the Dash monitor is working properly.
    • The Dash monitor should be verified it is in correct working order and operating condition before use and the functions of the alarm systems verified at regular intervals per the Operator's Manual. 
    • If only a "clicking" sound or no discernible audible sound is produced when the SILENCE button is pressed, the audible alarm function of the Dash monitor may not be working properly. 
    • Lastly, any functionality issues involving the audio alarm will not affect the visual alarm functionality of the Dash, or the audio and visual alarm functionality of the Central Station (if connected to the Dash). 
    • Additional information can be found in Chapter 2 “Equipment Overview” and Chapter 4 “Alarms” of the attached Operator’s Manual.  
  2. If the audible alarm is found to not function properly, immediately remove the monitor from service and return it to the BioMed Department.
  3. Report any similar occurrences to the PSO where a patient was harmed or a near miss.

Dash Operator Manual

Thank you for your dedication to patient safety!

Topics: All Nurses

Proning Therapy

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Aug 5, 2020 4:27:53 PM

Meditech has been recently updated with two new proning therapy order entry screens. This will allow for standardized documentation of the therapeutic intervention. 

Please review attached education regarding screen updates as well as Proning Therapy guidelines for both manual and device assisted (bed) proning therapy. 

Meditech Proning Therapy Orders

Proning Guidelines

Thank YOU for you continued DEDICATION to patient care!

Topics: All Nurses

PPE Guidance

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Jul 23, 2020 4:00:17 PM
  • Everyone in the hospital environment will be masked
  • Patients will wear level 1 masks when outside of their treatment rooms or when face to face with HCPs during care
  • Visitors will wear personal masks or be provided with a level 1 if needed
  • Non-clinical staff will wear level 1 masks at all times
  • Clinical staff will wear the appropriate level of mask for the clinical situation
  • Staff - universal eye protection for ED, ICU, and other high risk areas
  • Staff - eye protection when face to face care and patient cannot mask
  • Staff - fit tested N95 with full face shield for ALL AGP

Please review attached education-Mask Level Required and Huddle Highlights.

PPE Guidance

PPE Huddle Care



Topics: All Network Staff, All Nurses

CDC: Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Healthcare Personnel During COVID-19 Pandemic

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Jul 17, 2020 12:59:19 PM

Please use the link below as guidance from the CDC for infection prevention and control recommendations.  The guidance is based on the current available information/situation in the United States for COVID-19.

Thank you for your continued DEDICATION to patient care!

Topics: All Network Staff

Increasing Meditech Time Outs: East Flordia Division

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Jun 28, 2020 9:00:00 AM

The East Florida Division is increasing Meditech timeouts.  The current setting is 6 minutes for screen, menu, and suspend session. 

The new Time Ous are as follows:

  • Screen Time Out-15 minutes
  • Menu Time Out-30 minutes
  • Suspend Session-30 minutes

    Meditech Time OutsThank you for all your HARD work and DEDICATION to patient care!


Topics: All Nurses, Meditech

Standardized Meditech Menu: Far West and Mountain Divisions

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Jun 26, 2020 3:45:30 PM

The Far West Division and The Mountain Division are standardizing the Meditech Menus. 

Go Live Dates:

MTN – Eastern Idaho – June 16,  Brigham City and Cache Valley – June 18, Ogden Regional – June 22-23, Mountain View – June 24, Lakeview – June 25, Timpanogos Regional – June 29, West Valley – June 30


FWD – Good Samaritan – July 13-14, Regional SJ – July 15, Southern Hills – July 16, Los Robles – July 20-21, West Hills – July 21, Riverside – July 22-23, Sunrise – July 27-28, Mountainview – July 29-30

Please review attached huddle cards.

MNT Huddle Card

CA/NV Huddle Card

Thank you for all you DO!


The Power of a Nurse’s Voice

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Jun 10, 2020 4:30:39 PM


At HCA Healthcare, nurses are the cornerstone of patient care and considered the lifeblood of the organization

HCA Healthcare’s Senior Vice President & Chief Nurse Executive, Jane Englebright, Ph.D., RN, CENP, FAAN, says that because nurses are with patients and their families during some of the most important and vulnerable moments in life, it means they have a unique opportunity to make a difference. And they can positively impact both outcomes and the care experience for every patient.

Englebright recently provided her thoughts through an executive Q&A.

Why is it important for nurses to have a voice in their profession?

ENGLEBRIGHT: In the United States, nursing is the largest healthcare profession, with more than 3.8 million registered nurses nationwide. I’m also a nurse. Many of us pursue this profession because we care deeply about improving peoples’ lives. Nurses are insightful, creative and passionate about patient care, and their perspective is invaluable because they spend more time with patients than anyone else in a hospital. As we advocate for patients, our voices influence positive changes for the practice of nursing and, ultimately, that improves patient care. So it’s important for healthcare leaders to create open environments where nurses’ voices are heard and acted upon because it can lead to exciting advancements in patient care.

Listening to nurses through surveys and focus groups helps leadership understand what nurses need to advance their careers as well as to build and maintain a realistic worklife balance to care for their families. Giving a voice to nurses has significant benefits to the organization and its mission to care for and improve human life, but also to the amazing people who deliver that care with compassion and expertise.


As we advocate for patients, our voices influence positive changes for the practice of nursing and, ultimately, that improves patient care. 

How do healthcare organizations benefit when nurses are heard and supported?

ENGLEBRIGHT: Historically, the voices of nurses have led to better patient care. From Florence Nightingale to Clara Barton, we’ve seen that some of the greatest success stories in healthcare occur when nurses are given latitude in guiding decisions that affect patients. That’s the approach we’ve taken at HCA Healthcare for many years now, and it has unlocked possibilities that we and others in care delivery hadn’t yet realized.

For example, 10 years ago, through our CNO Council, nurses asked for a tool to electronically document patients’ vital signs. Documentation was done at that time mostly room-to-room with pen and paper. Automation would create significant time savings for nurses, and would lead to better and safer care for our patients. Companies were asked to present their vital sign solutions to a group of nurses from HCA Healthcare who tested the tools and chose the right technology for them. The tool they selected didn’t exist until these nurses told us what they needed, and that probably wouldn’t have happened if we weren’t actively seeking their perspective.

More recently, we surveyed more than 800 of our nurses for their feedback on advancing nursing practice at our hospitals. Through the survey, we found that a large portion of documentation was neither efficient nor effective. Thanks to our nurses, Evidence-based Clinical Documentation (EBCD) was born.

The EBCD tool helps nurses spend more time with their patients and less time documenting the encounters. The patient-centered focus of EBCD minimizes the time spent inputting data, and at the same time, allows the information that has been entered into the medical record to be extracted in a more meaningful way. As a result, we’ve seen our nurses save at least 30 minutes on documentation, per shift.

Besides the surveys you mentioned previously, what are some additional ways HCA Healthcare ensures nurses’ voices are heard?

ENGLEBRIGHT: We have a number of ongoing vehicles and venues to give voice to our nurses:

  • Professional Practice Councils. Every hospital within HCA Healthcare has these councils, which exist to proactively identify issues and opportunities to improve care. They are venues for bringing forth new ideas and for testing innovations in care delivery. The councils systematically raise the bar on nursing performance.
  • Advisory Councils. These specialty councils govern how best practices are shared across the health system and include nursing representatives from each division and various clinical roles, including direct care nursing staff and nurse leaders.
  • Nurses at every level of our organization. While nurses are best known for being on the front lines of care, they are stepping beyond nurse director and CNO titles and into positions such as CEO and COO. Nurses in C-suite roles are helping to shape business and operational decisions across the enterprise.
  • Vital Voices. Through this program, which utilizes a continuous listening approach, colleagues actively seek conversations to solve problems and generate ideas. This allows nurses to provide real-time feedback and see real-time improvement.
  • Inspire App. The app is an easy way for nurses to recognize excellence, chart professional growth, and connect with mentors and peers.

Topics: Nursing, Nursing Leadership

Our Commitment to Diversity

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Jun 2, 2020 3:39:19 PM

Our values come to life every day when we provide patient care with dignity, compassion, and competence to anyone who needs it, no matter the patient’s individual circumstance.

Our values come to life every day when we foster a work environment where everyone is treated with respect and loyalty and has an equal chance to succeed and grow.

Our values come to life when we support our communities and those in need.

We believe excellence in healthcare starts with these values as a foundation. Therefore, we aim not to discriminate. We aim not to harm; instead, we aim to nurture and support. Events unfolding throughout our nation go against these values and have many of us hurting, anxious, and concerned for one another, our families, and our communities. Our commitment to a diverse organization is not passive; it is active.


Clinical Operations

As nurse leaders within HealthTrust Workforce Solutions, we partner with our colleagues to promote clinical excellence throughout the communities we serve. HealthTrust advocates on behalf of our ultimate client, the patient, ensuring that they receive the highest quality, cost-effective care in a professional, compassionate, and ethical environment. 

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