
Gulf Coast I-PASS Hand-Off from the ED to MST Inpatient Units

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Jul 25, 2024 1:12:07 PM

The I-PASS form is utilized to send reports to the Medical and Tele units prior to the ER moving the patient to the unit.    The process includes completing the form and faxing it to the receiving unit when the bed is assigned "dirty".   This allows the unit nurse a chance to review information and call with questions prior to the patient being taken to their inpatient bed.    See the below sample. 

Topics: ER, Emergency Room, Gulf Coast Division, ER Nurses, Nurses

Education: High Sensitivity Troponin

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Sep 29, 2021 1:06:22 PM

Our partners in the Tristar Division have shared with us education regarding a new test called the High Sensitivity Troponin. 

Studies performed at organizations that use the HSTnI report the following benefits:

  • Earlier, safer rule out of CP without NSTEMI
  • Faster turnaround time in ED
  • Avoid missing small MIs
  • Earlier detection of NSTEMI
  • Reduction in stress tests
  • No increase in cardiac catheterizations
  • Potential cost savings


HS-TNL Huddle Card

HS-Tnl Algorithm Job Aid

Thank you for your continued dedication to patient care!



Topics: ER, All Nurses

ED: IV Stop Times

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Apr 5, 2021 12:44:23 PM

Please ensure IV Stop Times are documented in the ED. A yellow information box alert will display in eMAR to ensure proper documentation of the IV stop time. This is a required field if there are IV medications on the patient's eMAR in the ED.

ED: IV Stop Times

Thank you for all you DO!


Topics: ER, All Nurses

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