
HealthStream Avaliable Resources

HWS Clinical Ops on May 28, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Did you know HealthStream has many courses available to you for continued Education for FREE: 

  • Medline University Courses-25 categories including wellness and nutrition, infection prevention, wound care, trauma. Many offer CE credit
  • CE Unlimited Courses-over 3,000 courses that offer Continuing Education
  • EBSCO Courses-more than 2,300 courses on skills used by nurses routinely at the bedside
  • Medical Product Training Courses-600 courses on medical devices


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Topics: All Nurses

Clinical Operations

As nurse leaders within HealthTrust Workforce Solutions, we partner with our colleagues to promote clinical excellence throughout the communities we serve. HealthTrust advocates on behalf of our ultimate client, the patient, ensuring that they receive the highest quality, cost-effective care in a professional, compassionate, and ethical environment. 

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