
Needlestick Injury Prevention Tips

HWS Clinical Ops on May 7, 2019 3:25:57 PM


1. NEVER hand your sharps to anyone else.

2. NEVER let others hand their sharps to you including physicians.

3. ALWAYS engage safety device after an injection.

4. DO NOT use your hand to engage the safety device after an injection. ALWAYS use a surface that is away from you and the patient instead (e.g., instead of using your other hand to engage the safety, use the tabletop instead).

5. Place sharps into the sharp container IMMEDIATELY after an injection instead of leaving the sharp on the patient’s bed or the bedside table.

6. NEVER take your eyes off the sharp.

7. Make sure the sharp actually goes INSIDE of the sharp container.

8. NEVER attempt to recap a contaminated needle after an injection. Instead, toss the sharp into the sharp container immediately.

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