
Partnering Together in the Dynamic Ventilator Reserve

HWS Clinical Ops on Apr 15, 2020 1:46:27 PM

President Trump announced a new initiative for hospitals to lend unused ventilators to areas of need, called the "Dynamic Ventilator Reserve", during a meeting on Tuesday, April 14th, with healthcare executives at the White House. 

The new public-private partnership is aimed at allowing hospitals to lend unused ventilators to areas that need them treat patients who have contracted COVID-19.  There are currently 60,000 unused ventilators in hospitals across the country. The new program will help get the critical devices to areas that need them.

U.S. International Development Finance Corporation CEO Adam Boehler, who is leading the initiative, thanked Sam Hazen from HCA Healthcare and Lloyd Dean (SP) from Common Spirit for leading this effort with the AHA and the Federation of American Hospitals.

Sam shared how proud HCA Healthcare is to be a part of this private-public sector partnership and that he thinks that’s the only way fundamentally to solve this crisis. During the briefing he talked about one of the guiding principles HCA had when it went into this COVID-19 battle was to find partnerships, partnerships with other components of the industry, partnerships with other health systems, but partnerships with governments, both local and federal. 

In addition to HCA Healthcare, more than a dozen healthcare executives participated, including other leaders from Premier, LifePoint Health, NYU Langone,  the American Hospital Association, the Federal Association of Hospital, and the Cleveland Clinic. 

Topics: All Network Staff, Coronavirus

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