
Propofol and Ketamine Use

HWS Clinical Ops on Oct 15, 2019 5:45:45 PM

Our partners is the East Florida Division have shared the following education to distribute to all Critical Care Nurses working in the East Florida market:

1.  Under no circumstances, does a Nurse pull Propofol doses from an existing IV drip to bolus a patient.

2.  ALL Propofol boluses require a Physician Order via CPOE.

3.  No facility should administer Propofol above 50mcg/min. Other agents should be considered when reaching higher Propofol doses.

4.  The administration of Ketamine should be on hold at this time for additional development of polices, guidelines, medication library, education.

Please review and understand this as an expectation at all East Florida Facilities in Critical Care Units. This information will also be reviewed during huddles at the facilities. 

Comment below with questions or concerns.

Thank you for your dedication to patient safety!

Topics: Critical Care, East Florida Division

Clinical Operations

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