
HWS Clinical Ops

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Safety Update: Defibrillator Fire Prevention

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on May 1, 2023 1:59:31 PM

Within our HCA facilities, isolated events resulting in burn injury to the chest, neck, head and facial areas of the patient have been reported from defibrillator use.  While defibrillator fires are not completely preventable, with appropriate precautions and techniques, the risk can be mitigated. 

Please familiarize yourselves with the below documents to help us lower the risk of these events.

OR Fire Risk Assessment & Protocol

Patient Safety Defibrillator Huddle Card

Thank you for your dedication to patient safety!

Topics: Patient Safety, HCA, All Network Staff, All Nurses

Plain Language Code Conversions

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Apr 21, 2023 1:55:00 PM

In October,  the North Florida Division began to transition to utilizing Plain Language Codes for activating an emergency response.  This was implemented to promote standardized communication among caregivers across our NFD facilities to ensure clear communication and a coordinated response.  In addition, our patients and visitors will be able to respond appropriately to events that may impact their safety.  


Please see below.


Topics: North Florida Division, All Network Staff, All Nurses

New Med-Lock Sticker Huddle Card

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Mar 21, 2023 11:30:22 AM

In partnership with our HCA family, please review the new Med-Lock stickers are being introduced into our care environments.  The new Med-Lock stickers are to help bedside clinicians identify when a central line is “locked” with a medication such as heparin or trisodium citrate. This prevents accidental injection of medications into the bloodstream by properly identifying hubs that have medication instilled in them prior to flushing the line for use. 

Please review the attached new huddle card.

Med-Lock Sticker Huddle Card

Thank you for your dedication to patient safety!

Topics: Patient Safety, Dialysis, All Nurses

C.Diff Testing Tool

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Mar 17, 2023 10:01:20 AM

In partnership with our West Florida facility, Oak Hill Hospital, we are posting the C. diff algorithm for lab testing. The C. diff algorithm is a division tool that is to be completed for C. diff testing and should be sent with the specimen to the lab. If criteria is not met, the sample collection is to be stopped and discussed with the provider.

C.diff Testing Algorithm

Thank you for all you do for our patients!

Topics: West Florida Division, All Nurses, Infection Prevention

Education: ER Hold Tele Tracker

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Mar 15, 2023 4:17:45 PM

In partnership with our Gulf Coast facility, HCA Houston Healthcare North Cypress, in an effort to sure up the tele start documentation and notification these forms will be attached to the Tele boxes.  When ER hold RN or ER staff RN grab a Tele box this form will be with box.  This is to help ensure monitor is placed on tele admit, monitor room is called, rhythm verified and then ER charge receives form after steps are completed prior to departing.


ER Hold Tele Tracker


Thank you for your dedication to patient safety!

Topics: Emergency Room, Gulf Coast Division, All Nurses

EDU: Vancomycin Dosing

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Feb 8, 2023 10:50:48 AM

The San Antonio Division at all of the Adult Emergency Departments and FSED's, are piloting a Lean Six Sigma project on improving Vancomycin Dosing 1500mg or greater.

Issue:  Doses were not given or being missed.

Order sets were restricted to the ED location for Providers, but staff had on their eMAR 2 doses 1 hour apart.  There was still an issue and the second dose was still being missed or delayed.  So the Lean Six Sigma project was updated with a new process.

In December, the process changed in which the doses were profiled at the same time, so the doses in emar were a few mins. apart, but staff were educated  and label comments instructed them to administer the doses concurrently.  Staff would scan both doses in eMAR appropriately, and set up the ICU Medical Pump to run both doses concurrently.  Staff have specific instruction within the Label comments directing them to confirm the rate and volume.

Vanco Dosing

Please contact Charge Nurse for additional questions.

Thank YOU!



Topics: Emergency Room, San Antonio Division

EDU: HeART Overview

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Jan 26, 2023 7:29:14 PM

HeART allows viewing AirStrip ONE on iMobile devices as well as submitting and approving AirStrip ONE Snippets using a PC. HeART Telemetry Alerts are triggered on you iMobile Device. Alerts must be reviewed and accepted within 30-60 seconds before alert is escalated. Receiving a Clinical Alert means that there is a significant PT event, accept and assess the patient even if you are not the primary nurse. 

Tele Alerts via AirStrip

HealthStream Course: HeART RN Snippet Overview

To Enroll in Course select Catalog and type course name in Catalog.

Thank you for your dedication to patient safety!

Topics: All Nurses

EDU: GE Media Manager-Wound Image Capture

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Jan 24, 2023 4:54:09 PM

Below is information related to the GE Media Manager – Wound Image Capture application.

Education video: click here

The following Divisions are using this technology: San Antonio, North Florida, Central West Texas

Clinical Tip Sheet

Huddle Flyer

Thank you!


Topics: Central/West Texas Division, San Antonio Division, North Florida Division, All Nurses

Education: Braden Scale

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Jan 23, 2023 2:15:37 PM

HCA as an enterprise is transitioning to using the Braden Scale for Skin Integumentary Documentation in Meditech.

There is a course in HealthStream providing additional Education: 

CSIP HAPI Phase 2: Braden II Scale and Skin Alteration for Inpatient and Surgery

To access course, search course title in HealthStream Catalog.

Thank you for your dedication to Patient Safety!

Topics: All Nurses

Education: MEWS Update

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Jan 17, 2023 5:04:58 PM

You are now able to view the MEWS score over the last 7 days in the West Florida Division via the Status Board.

MEWS or Modified Early Warning Signs aids in early recognition, intervention and stabilization of the patients experiencing clinical deterioration. 

  • All change of conditions reported to the nurse should be documented in a nursing note to include who was notified of patient status change and action taken.

MEWS Update

Thank you for your continued dedication to Patient Safety!


Topics: Far West Division, All Nurses

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