
Coronavirus Patient Belives TriStar Greenview was Prepared

Posted by HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on Apr 3, 2020 3:02:40 PM

TriStarThe first person to be diagnosed with COVID-19 in Warren County, KY is now recovering at home and
credits the preparedness of caregivers at TriStar
Greenview, an HCA
hospital. David Broderick,
73, was recently diagnosed
with COVID-19, after recently traveling to Colorado. However, he is thankful for the attentive staff who took the necessary precautions to ensure a quick recovery. 

We're thankful to our colleagues at TriStar for their dedication to quality patient care!

Click here to read the full article with CNN. 

Topics: HealthTrust Workforce Solutions, Coronavirus, Health & Safety

Community Gathers in Prayer and Support for Cartersville Medical Center

Posted by HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on Apr 3, 2020 3:02:13 PM

PrayingIn the midst of the fight against COVID-19, hundreds assembled in their cars outside the Cartersville Medical Center, an HCA Healthcare-affiliated facility to pray and to offer their support for caregivers and patients who find themselves at the center of the war against the coronavirus pandemic. The emotional assembly, which displayed a supportive outpouring of love, was received as patients could see the guests from their windows and staff watched from the lawn and the rooftop. 

In an interview with Fox 5, Michelle Anderson, who has worked at the hospital for 26 years, shared, "I've never been more proud to work here in all the years I've worked here, the community outpouring is unbelievable."

And at HealthTrust Workforce Solutions, we stand with our HCA Healthcare colleagues and are proud of the important patient care being delivered during this difficult pandemic. 

Click here to read the full article from Fox 5 and to learn best practices to reduce the risk of COVID-19. 

Topics: Coronavirus, Health & Safety

Grand Medical Center Staff Work to Stay Ahead of COVID-19

Posted by HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on Apr 3, 2020 3:01:51 PM

Grand Strand Medical CenterLong before the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus as a pandemic, Grand Strand Medical Center, an HCA Healthcare-affiliated facility, had encouraged the environmental services team to diligently prepare in the fight against the virus.

Through extensive facility cleaning efforts, Grand Strand Medical Center worked to reduce the virus' potential presence to enhance the protection of patients. 

Click here to read the full article. 

Topics: Coronavirus, Health & Safety

Updated: COVID-19 First Point of Contact Meditech Screens

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Mar 27, 2020 2:38:46 PM

One of the main complications being seen with COVID-19 is ARDS; plateau pressure is a key indicator of assessing lung injury. Plateau pressure has been added to RT ventilator flowsheet to assist with trending and care of patients. 

RT Ventilator Flowsheet

In addition included are Meditech updates:

  • EDM and new tracker icons for 1st POC and COVID-19
  • 1st Point of Contact Screening with embedded QRS icon leading to Media Connect Education

ED First Point of Contact

First POC

Thank you for your Dedication to Patient Care!

Topics: All Nurses, Coronavirus

COVID-19 Care of Postmortem patient

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Mar 26, 2020 5:13:59 PM

Please refer to this Guidance and ensure you are safe when caring for deceased COVID-19 patient. 

Postmortem Care

Thank you for Dedication to Patient Care!


Topics: All Nurses, Coronavirus

COVID-19 Reuse of N95 Mask and Face Shield

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Mar 23, 2020 12:00:35 PM

Please review the attached education for the reuse of the N95 mask and Face Shield during the times of limited supply when performing respiratory care procedures that generate aerosols and droplets as a source of respiratory pathogens. 

COVID-19 Huddle Card: Reuse

Additional education is available in HealthStream for self-enrollment:

COVID-19 Reuse of N95 Mask

HealthStream Instructions:

  1. Click Here to open HealthStream
  2. Enter your 3-4 ID for your Username and Password in all UPPERCASE, then click Sign In
    1. If you cannot log in using uppercase, try using lowercase letters for your password
    2. If you are still unable to login, call 954-514-1333
  3. Select your HealthTrust (HWS) Affiliation, and then click Login

Step Two:

  1. Go to your Catalog tab after logging into HealthStream
  2. From the Catalog tab, search course name. 

Please comment below with questions. 

Thank for your continued DEDICATION to patient care!


Topics: All Network Staff, Coronavirus

COVID-19 PPE Selection Table Guidelines

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Mar 20, 2020 5:28:49 PM

Please review attached document on COVID-19 PPE Selection Table. This table provides guidelines for PPE for the varying patient situations. 

We appreciate ALL your HARD work and DEDICATION to Patient Care!

PPE for COVID-19


Topics: All Network Staff, Coronavirus

Guidance: Respiratory and Eye Protection Specific to COVID-19 Response

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Mar 20, 2020 11:02:48 AM

Provided is a document of guidance for respiratory protection in reference to caring for COVID-19 patients under investigation or confirmed cases. Included are N-95 limited re-use guidelines. 

Respiratory/Eye Protection

Single Use COVID-19 PPE: Donning and Doffing Guidelines

Single Use Donning and Doffing

Please comment with questions. 

Thank you for your dedication to patient care!


Topics: All Network Staff, Coronavirus

Important Ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information & FAQs

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Mar 19, 2020 11:42:07 AM

Important Ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information & FAQs

We’d like to take a moment to connect with you as we know the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is on the hearts and minds of each of our clinicians, team members, your families, our communities,  the nation and the entire world. This unprecedented situation is evolving quickly as more information becomes available.  We continue to operate and conduct vital business functions under the guidance of HCA Healthcare. We are tasked with the important job of ensuring the delivery of patient care, in good times and in tough times. Right now we are facing a great deal of stress and uncertainty. In an effort to effort to provide clear guidance on how we are preparing for and responding to COVID-19, we have developed several FAQs to assist during this time.

COVID-19 Response FAQs


Q: Have Coronavirus patients been treated at HCA Healthcare facilities?


A: To date, HCA Healthcare affiliates have treated patients who have tested positive for coronavirus. Our preparedness efforts are focused on the following areas: infection prevention, supplies and equipment, and staffing.


Q: What precautionary actions are being taken to safeguard our facilities?


A: We are taking measures to have a more controlled environment in our care sites that will limit entry into hospitals and clinics. This will help ensure screening occurs prior to entry into patient care areas so that masks are provided to patients with respiratory symptoms. As we often do during heavy influenza outbreaks, visitor restrictions will be instituted in patient care areas. Colleagues will be included among those who will be screened before entering our hospitals and other care sites.


Q:How can the infection of healthcare workers be prevented?


A: Our caregivers are skilled and experienced in caring for patients with flu-like illnesses and we are re-emphasizing infection prevention protocols and the latest guidance from the CDC. The experience of treating coronavirus in the U.S. and other first world countries has shown that the use of standard respiratory precautions has prevented the infection of healthcare workers, who we count on to stay healthy to take care of all patients.


Q: What does infection prevention entail?


A: Infection prevention includes processes for screening potential coronavirus patients, and the proper use of isolation procedures. Additionally, our facilities are reinforcing effective environmental cleaning and visitor policies that support infection control. 


Q: How is the virus impacting the distribution and conversation of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?


A:Because so much of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as gowns and masks used to protect our patients, colleagues and visitors from the spread of infections, is made in China where this virus originated, this is another area of emphasis. We are promoting the conservation of these important supplies, preparing to share supplies within our markets to help ensure continued availability while also actively working to identify alternative sources of PPE.


Q: How can I personally prepare myself to avoid infection?

A: When considering personal preparedness, it is important to keep a few points in mind. First, infectious disease experts are emphasizing that coronavirus causes an illness that is similar to the flu. While a vaccine for coronavirus is not expected to be available for at least 12-18 months, everyday habits that protect us from common respiratory illness are even more important now. We all can protect our own health as well as the health of our family members and community by remembering:


  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue
  • Practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands often, using either soap and water or alcohol-based hand gel for at least 20 seconds
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe

Q: What is the protocol if a patient presents as a potential COVID-19 case?

A: Under the new CDC guidelines, the patient will be immediately tested and isolated. Potentially exposed employees will be identified. Those who are deemed high and medium risk exposure by the CDC guidelines will be sent home under home quarantine for a 2 week period.


COVID 19 FAQs for Furloughed Clinicians


I understand that I am being asked to remain home from work, why?

  • In exposures we follow a process called furlough.  Your safety and the safety of our patients is our top priority, over the next 14 days you will be asked to remain at home and you will not be placed on the hospital schedule.  The hospital has determined that you may have been exposed to a patient with the new novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Since this infection can be contagious, even with mild symptoms or before symptoms begin, it is safest for patients and other staff for you to remain outside the workplace. 


What does it mean to be under quarantine?


  • Typically, being under quarantine means that you must limit your travel and contact with others, including potentially staying within your home.  Your hospital is working with the local department of public health, which is the entity that requires quarantine, to get further details.  The Department of Health will be in contact with you and provide specific details of its expectations.


Why does the furlough last 14 days?


  • The time of the furlough is based on the period of time between when someone is exposed and the longest time before they are likely to have symptoms. For COVID-19, the “incubation period” can be as long as 14 days and, as a result, you cannot be at work until that period ends and we know that you do not present an infection risk to patients or other staff.


  • Being furloughed only means that you are staying away from the workplace because it is possible you could develop symptoms. It is believed that most people who get COVID-19 have a mild, flu-like illness. The department of health will be monitoring you to see if you develop any symptoms.


What about other members of my household – can they be with me?


  • The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends no special actions for those sharing a household for someone under quarantine.


Will I be paid while I am being furloughed?


Were you infected while working?

  • If you test positive to COVID-19 as a result of a work-related exposure to any patient, visitor, contractor, vendor or fellow employee that is positive for COVID-19 you will be asked to remain at home and you will not be placed on the hospital schedule over the next 14 days. During this time, you will receive compensation for all scheduled hours missed during this period at the base rate.  You can also file a workers comp medical claim to cover expenses after the defined quarantine period is over if necessary. However, you must be COVID-19 positive with a confirmed positive source.


  • Over the next 14 days you will be asked to remain at home and you will not be placed on the hospital schedule.  During this time, you will not receive compensation for all scheduled hours missed during this period.


Will someone be in contact with me while I am away from work?


  • Our Employee Health Nurse, will call you to check in and assist with answering questions that you may have. This conversation will include checking in on how you are feeling and if you are having any symptoms that may need medical treatment – fever, shortness of breath, body aches, runny nose, etc.



Where can I get more information about my potential exposure?


  • Should you have questions while you are away from the hospital, contact our Employee Health Nurse.


Click here to access a CDC fact sheet.


If you have any questions, please contact HWS Employee Health Nurse, Lilly Ranney at


As the situation continues to evolve, we will provide you with additional information as we work closely with local and national health organizations. Thank you for all you do to care for our patients or support those who do.



HealthTrust Workforce Solutions

Topics: All Network Staff, Coronavirus

COVID-19 Meditech Screening

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Mar 16, 2020 6:15:44 PM

Attached is the education for the new algorithm for COVID-19 in EBCD Meditech. Added is the COVID-19 screening and three positive scenarios.

Please review and comment with questions.

Thank you for all your HARD work and DEDICATION to patient care.

We APPRECIATE and VALUE each of you!

COVID-19 Meditech



Topics: All Network Staff, Coronavirus

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