
East Florida Division: Meditech Menu Standardization

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Apr 21, 2021 4:51:55 PM

Great changes are coming to the Meditech Nurse and Charge Nurse/Clinical Nurse Coordinator Print Report and Magic Key Menu in NUR and a new EDM Desktop Menu. Nurses and charge nurses will begin to see a different, simplified, look and feel to their menu.

Print Report Menu

The Print Report has been streamlined to make it easier for nurses to find the routines which are utilized most frequently throughout the shift. With the exception of the EBCD Reports, all other reports have been moved to the Magic Key Menu.  

NUR Magic Key Menu

The Magic Key Menu has been standardized across the entire East Florida Division to allow for a more consistent experience across all of our facilities. 

Integrated Desktop (Status Board Buttons)

The Integrated Desktop (Status Board Buttons) has also been standardized and nurses may notice that the sequence of the buttons may be have changed up or down on the list of options.

Variance Menu

A new button has been added to the Status Board options. The Variance button houses facility specific reports utilized for specific process workflows at each individual site.

EDM Desktop Menu

The EDM Desktop Menu has been restructured and unutilized routines removed thereby de-cluttering the desktop menu.





Thank you for ALL YOU DO!

Topics: East Florida Division, All Nurses

East Florida Division PIN to AD Authentication

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Oct 20, 2020 12:19:20 PM

EFD is preparing to go live on November 1st with the transition from utilizing pin numbers to NT authentication for EMAR and BCTA. This conversaion will streamline user access across multiple systems and applications as well as improve safety and security.

Pin numbers will no longer be used to access EMAR and BCTA.  Users will instead use their network password for opening screens and filing documentation. 

Below is the go-live dates by market.

11/3: Kendall Regional

11/10: Aventura and Palm Beach

11/17: Mercy and Broward

11/24: Treasure Coast

Please review attached educational document


Thank you for ALL you DO!

Topics: Respiratory Therapist, East Florida Division, All Nurses

Inpatient Surgical Readiness

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Feb 13, 2020 1:03:55 PM

Aventura Hospital in East Florida has released a new and revised inpatient pre-procedure checklist to ensure the surgical patients are ready at the time they are called to the OR. The checklist must be complete and attached to the chart.

Please ensure you are aware of the surgical readiness checklist at the facility you are working.

Thank you each for all you DO!

Surigcal Readiness

Topics: Aventura Hospital & Medical Center, East Florida Division, All Nurses

Fall Prevention Competency Template

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Nov 6, 2019 11:42:05 AM


Our partners at Aventura Hospital and Medical Center in East Florida Division have provided a competency on Fall Prevention for review and reference. Please note this is not something HealthTrust is requiring for completion rather an educational document for review and reference.

Fall Prevention Competency

Please comment below with questions.

Thank you for your dedication to patient care!

Topics: East Florida Division, All Network Staff

Propofol and Ketamine Use

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Oct 15, 2019 5:45:45 PM

Our partners is the East Florida Division have shared the following education to distribute to all Critical Care Nurses working in the East Florida market:

1.  Under no circumstances, does a Nurse pull Propofol doses from an existing IV drip to bolus a patient.

2.  ALL Propofol boluses require a Physician Order via CPOE.

3.  No facility should administer Propofol above 50mcg/min. Other agents should be considered when reaching higher Propofol doses.

4.  The administration of Ketamine should be on hold at this time for additional development of polices, guidelines, medication library, education.

Please review and understand this as an expectation at all East Florida Facilities in Critical Care Units. This information will also be reviewed during huddles at the facilities. 

Comment below with questions or concerns.

Thank you for your dedication to patient safety!

Topics: Critical Care, East Florida Division

East Florida Divison: Intimate Care Education

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Feb 21, 2019 11:10:56 AM

Please review the attachments regarding education that is live in East Florida as of 2/19/2019. The education will be included in leadership rounding and compliance will be monitored. Please comment with additional questions or concerns. There will be additional communication regarding a HealthStream course for self-enrollment.  Thank you for all you do!

Intimate care_

OR Intimate Care



Topics: East Florida Division, All Nurses

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