EBCD Updates impacting Inpatient Nursing, C.N.A/PCT, OR-all areas, ED, and Inpatient Rehab. Please review the attached education and comment with questions.
Thank you for attention to this educational opportunity!
EBCD Updates impacting Inpatient Nursing, C.N.A/PCT, OR-all areas, ED, and Inpatient Rehab. Please review the attached education and comment with questions.
Thank you for attention to this educational opportunity!
Topics: All Network Staff
In an effort to assist with communication from Regulatory Body visits, our partners at Medical City Dallas have created a document: Regulatory Terminology vs. "Our Terminology." This document reviews potential questions and the answers as it relates to the common terminology.
Please comment with questions.
Thank you for all you do!
Topics: All Nurses
Healthcare providers will inform all patients with LEP, of the availability of qualified language assistance to ensure effective communication. Consent must be obtained if the patient does or does not want interpreter services.
Family members or friends will not be used for language assistance except: in emergency involving an imminent threat to the safety or welfare of an individual or public.
Please comment below with questions.
Thank you for all you do!
Topics: All Network Staff
Please review the attached Bedside Shift Report validation form and ensure you are including all components into your Bedside Shift Report. I have also included a video that shows patient involvement and sharing personal connections during the Bedside Shift Report.
Bedside Shift Validation Checklist
Thank you for dedication to patient care!
Comment below with questions.
Topics: All Nurses
CHG Bath/Treatment must be given each day to a patient in the ICU or outside the ICU with a central line, hemodiaylsis catheter, PICC, midline, or accessed port and the CHG must be documented appropriately. Exceptions would include: allergy to CHG, comfort measures only, and/or physician refused.
As part of the 2019.3 Meditech Updates: A new intervention is being created called Hygiene Care.
Hygiene Care is a new standalone intervention optimizing the documentation process for capturing hygiene and CHG bathing information, documentation should be completed on admission and every shift.
Attached is additional education on CHG Baths.
Please ensure completion and documentation of CHG Bath on required patient population.
Topics: All Network Staff
The HCA Nursing Insights Falls Initiative has been developed to measure key process indicators(KPI's) demonstrated through evidence to reduce the frequency of patient falls.
The attached Fall Reference document includes Fall Logic, Key Process Indicators, Falls Outcome Measures, and Upcoming KPI's.
Fall Risk Assessments should be completed for all patients upon:
Please review the document and comment with questions.
Thank you for your dedication to patient safety!
Topics: All Nurses
Our partners in the North Texas Division have implemented Pre-Rounding with each front line nurse prior to nurse leader patient rounds; with the end goal of improving patient clinical outcome and decreasing patient anxiety.
Pre-Rounding Consists of Three Questions:
1. Patient's preferred name
2. Personal connection
3. (In-Patient) How did the patient participate in Bedside Shift Report?
3. (Emergency Department) What is your patient waiting for in regards to tests and treatments?
Please make sure you are aware of the Pre-Rounding expectations and purpose.
Included for review and reference is an educational document on Pre-Rounding.
Thank you for your dedication to Patient Care!
Comment below with additional questions.
Topics: North Texas Division, All Nurses
Please review attached Patient Handout regarding the new eSurvey/mail process. The handout will be included in admission and discharge education provided to the patients. Please ensure you are educating the patients of the importance of the survey and completion process.
Thank you for all you do in your dedication to patient care!
Comment below with additional questions.
Goal: To improve knowledge and responsiveness regarding SPOT alerts.
SPOT is a program that uses artificial intelligence to screen Meditech for Sepsis. It looks at : SIRS criteria (HR >90, RR>20, T: 38C/100.4F or < 36C/96.8F; WBC > 12,000 or <4,000) PLUS Suspicion or presence of an infection as evidenced by patient being on antibiotics or blood cultures being drawn in the past 48 hours.
Immediate Sepsis assessment and documentation determines SPOT Tier 0, Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 and the level of response necessary.
SPOT alerts
Telemetry Technician notifies RN
RN assess patients and documents Sepsis Assessment in Meditech
Documentation to occur in less than 60 minutes from call or text.
This snoozes the patient from alarming for the next 6 hours.
Please review provided education reference from Los Robles in Far West Division.
Topics: All Nurses
Please ensure when working in the Gulf Coast Division Facilities the following Discharge Expectations are being met:
- 30 Minute Acknowledgement of Discharge Orders
-120 Minute Discharge Goal
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to patient care!
Topics: Gulf Coast Division, All Nurses
As nurse leaders within HealthTrust Workforce Solutions, we partner with our colleagues to promote clinical excellence throughout the communities we serve. HealthTrust advocates on behalf of our ultimate client, the patient, ensuring that they receive the highest quality, cost-effective care in a professional, compassionate, and ethical environment.