
Pediatric and Infant Security Update

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on Jun 3, 2021 3:53:24 PM

There have been recent updates to The Pediatric Security Program and The Infant Security Program Policies. 

Attached are huddle cards for review to serve as a reference guide for important components within the program policies. 

Infant Security

Pediatric Security

Thank you for your DEDICATION to patient care!

Topics: All Network Staff

Called to Care: How Life-Saving Treatment Inspired These Patients to Pursue Healthcare Careers

Posted by HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on Jun 2, 2021 3:23:45 PM
Across HCA Healthcare’s more than 2,000 sites of care, our 275,000 colleagues pursued careers in healthcare for many different reasons. Perhaps the biggest reason is a desire to make a difference in the lives of others.  Below, we share three inspiring stories of healthcare heroes who discovered their passion for the field when they were on the other side of the stethoscope — as patients.

There are so many wonderful reasons to pursue a career in healthcare — improving lives, helping people through difficult times, witnessing life’s big milestones or working towards a cure for cancer, to name a few. But many of our colleagues were moved to join the field after they themselves were helped through a health crisis by care teams who were truly dedicated. In their most difficult moments, these colleagues learned firsthand the power of caring like family. And it’s their experience as patients that enables them to bring compassion and empathy to their roles every day. Meet three HCA Healthcare colleagues who were called to care.

Natalie, Patient Safety Screener (Timpanogos Regional Hospital)

After receiving care at HCA Healthcare’s Timpanogos Regional Medical Center, Natalie Ficklin-Holliday decided to pursue a healthcare career at the same hospital that saved her life.

Natalie Ficklin-Holliday received life-saving care at HCA Healthcare’s Timpanogos Regional Hospital in Orem, Utah. In the wake of a weight loss surgery by a non-HCA Healthcare provider, Natalie experienced severe complications that prevented her from eating. In the six months after the surgery, she lost 120 lbs., and her strength and health deteriorated.

Natalie began suffering from seizures and was rushed to Timpanogos Regional Hospital. Her condition worsened as she went into cardiac arrest five times. But her care team at the hospital resuscitated and cared for her through the night for 14 hours. They saved her life.

“They fight for you at Timpanogos Regional Hospital. They wouldn’t let me die,” Natalie said.

She remained in the cardiac ICU where the surgical cardiac team used cutting-edge, 3D imaging technology to identify and repair three complications from her earlier weight loss surgery.

“They cared for me as a human being rather than a patient room number. I felt safe in a very scary time, and I was taken care of emotionally as well as medically,” Natalie said. This care she received inspired her to want to give the same attention to other patients.

“I got another chance at life – a chance to do better and serve people the way I had been served. I asked myself what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, and I decided I wanted to work at Timpanogos Regional Hospital,” Natalie said. “In fact, it was the only place I wanted to be, and those were the only people I wanted to work with.”

After a year of recovering at home, Natalie realized her dream and became a patient safety screener at the hospital. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, she served as a frontline COVID-19 screener, delivering compassion along with COVID-19 tests. She continues to screen patients today, thoughtfully greeting and interacting with every colleague, patient and community member who enters the hospital.

Megan, Patient Care Navigator (Blake Medical Center)

Megan Hawkins sustained injuries in a house fire at two years old. Her father was injured as well, with up to 40% of his body affected by burns. Today, Megancares for other burn victims as a nurse at Blake Medical Center.

At HCA Healthcare’s Blake Medical Center, Megan Hawkins helps burn patients as a patient care navigator. She understands what they’re going through because at two years old, she was injured during a house fire. Her father was injured as well, with up to 40% of his body affected by burns.

What she went through with her father led her to a career in healthcare at HCA Healthcare’s Blake Medical Center in Bradenton, Florida, where she started as a bedside nurse.

“I have had patients in the past where, in a moment where they are having a rough day or a rough time, I think that’s an important thing to say to them, I have been through this. My family has been through this. You will get through this too. Just kind of giving them that outlook that life will get normal again. It will take you working really hard and us working with you, but we are here for you and you will get through it,” she told Fox News 13 during Burn Awareness Week.

Megan is now a patient care navigator at Blake Medical Center, which is one of only six burn centers in the state. She also takes her work beyond its walls, spreading awareness to the public about burn injuries and how to avoid them.

Henry, Patient Safety Screener (North Florida Regional Medical Center)

In April 2020, North Florida Regional Medical Center in Gainesville, Florida, discharged its first COVID-19 patient, Henry James. Henry experienced a miraculous recovery after a month in the hospital’s ICU — so miraculous that his care team came to know him as the “Amazing Henry.” And to him, they were his “guardian angels.”

“When I was out here in March I got introduced to some fabulous angels,” said Henry. “I love these nurses… they are my angels.”

Since his recovery, Henry returned to visit his angels in the ICU frequently. And despite the pandemic making this a challenging time to be in healthcare, Henry decided to apply to join the North Florida Regional Medical Center community.

This spring — almost a year to the day of being admitted to North Florida Regional Medical Center as its first COVID-19 patient — Henry officially joined the team where he works several days a week as a patient safety screener. As a screener, Henry provides a friendly face at hospital entrances and helps to screen entrants for infectious diseases and respiratory illnesses with a verbal and temperature assessments.

Before and after each shift at the hospital, Henry makes sure to visit his guardian angels in the ICU.

“I don’t feel comfortable not coming back to thank them and show them that I appreciate what they did… I love them dearly,” Henry said. “It’s very exciting to come back and to give back.”

COVID-19 survivor, Henry James, is grateful for the care provided to him at HCA Healthcare’s North Florida Regional Medical Center. To pay it forward, Henry decided to apply for a job at the hospital and now serves HCA Healthcare patients as a patient safety screener.

“To me, he was my angel,” said Carrie Browning, an intensive care unit nurse who took care of Henry at North Florida Regional Medical Center. “I think that patients like him show us what we do day in and day out, and they don’t realize the impact they have on our lives.”

Henry, Natalie and Megan represent the many HCA Healthcare colleagues who were “called to care” because of their own positive patient experiences. And who knows? The care they now provide may someday inspire a patient of their own to follow in their footsteps.

If you're interested in joining the HealthTrust Workforce Solutions team and working at many outstanding HCA Healthcare-affiliated facilities, click here.

Topics: Healthcare

Celebrating National Healthcare Recruiter Recognition Day 2021

Posted by HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on Jun 1, 2021 2:59:46 PM

Healthcare Recruiter Day 2021

Happy National Healthcare Recruiter Recognition Day! In 1991, Congress declared the first Tuesday in June to be National Healthcare Recruiter Recognition Day — celebrated on Tuesday, June 1st this year.

HealthTrust Workforce Solutions is thankful for the incredible dedication and hard work demonstrated by all of our talented healthcare recruiters who work diligently to find the best clinicians and interim leaders for healthcare facilities across the nation. Through the perseverance of our healthcare recruiters, especially throughout COVID-19, HealthTrust Workforce Solutions has been able to effectively enhance patient care.

We are proud of the pivotal role that recruitment plays within our organization. Each of our recruiters dedicates their time, energy, and passion to finding incredible clinicians and ensuring that each clinician feels like a part of the HealthTrust family. Our recruiters and our entire team make a meaningful impact as they work toward improving the lives of more patients in more ways across the country.

We thank our recruiters for choosing to represent HealthTrust and the entire HCA Healthcare enterprise, where we are connected to something bigger than ourselves, where we care like family, where your recruitment efforts unlock endless possibilities for clinicians and where we raise the bar higher throughout the healthcare industry.

If you would like to join our impactful team, click here to browse our career opportunities. 

Topics: Healthcare, Nursing, Healthcare Recruitment

Memorial Day: Remembering our Fallen Heroes

Posted by HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on May 28, 2021 12:45:54 PM

Memorial Day Graphic

Hi Everyone, 

Each Memorial Day we pay tribute to the veterans who have given their life as an ultimate sacrifice on behalf of our American values and the security of our nation. We are thankful for those who have given their lives to protect our hard-fought freedom. We stand in continued partnership with the United Way’s MISSION UNITED initiative and with our military families in remembrance of the fallen as we share our gratitude for their significant sacrifice. Their impact will never be forgotten.

Due to the increase use of vaccinations, we are grateful that more people can gather with family and friends to honor Memorial Day.

On behalf of HealthTrust, we thank every fallen hero, our living veterans and their families. 

Have a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend.

Topics: Special Holiday Message

HealthStream Avaliable Resources

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on May 28, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Did you know HealthStream has many courses available to you for continued Education for FREE: 

  • Medline University Courses-25 categories including wellness and nutrition, infection prevention, wound care, trauma. Many offer CE credit
  • CE Unlimited Courses-over 3,000 courses that offer Continuing Education
  • EBSCO Courses-more than 2,300 courses on skills used by nurses routinely at the bedside
  • Medical Product Training Courses-600 courses on medical devices


Click HERE to access the Healthstream login page or copy and paste the address below and add it to your Chrome Browser:

Thank you for all YOU DO!

Topics: All Nurses

HCA Healthcare Partners with Google Cloud to Accelerate Digital Transformation

Posted by HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on May 27, 2021 2:49:19 PM

HCA Healthcare, one of the nation’s leading healthcare providers and parent company to HealthTrust Workforce Solutions, and Google Cloud today announced a multi-year strategic partnership that plans to build on HCA Healthcare’s innovative use of information technology to accelerate the digital transformation taking place within the company.

The partnership with Google Cloud is designed to help create a secure and dynamic data analytics platform for HCA Healthcare and enable the development of next generation operational models focused on actionable insights and improved workflows.

While protecting patient privacy and the security of data, HCA Healthcare uses information from its 32 million annual encounters to identify opportunities to improve clinical care and support its 93,000 nurses and 47,000 active and affiliated physicians. HCA Healthcare has published studies in leading medical journals like the New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet, developed algorithm-informed decision support tools for caregivers, and identified clinical practices that reduce infections and improve perinatal care. The partnership with Google Cloud is expected to enhance efforts by HCA Healthcare to continue to improve and develop new advanced decision support to promote quality, safety, and efficiency.

“Next-generation care demands data science-informed decision support so we can more sharply focus on safe, efficient and effective patient care,” said Sam Hazen, chief executive officer of HCA Healthcare. “We view partnerships with leading organizations, like Google Cloud, that share our passion for innovation and continual improvement as foundational to our efforts.”

HCA Healthcare has deployed 90,000 mobile devices that run tools created by the organization’s PatientKeeper and Mobile Heartbeat teams and other developers to empower caregivers as they work. In combination with significant investments in mobility to support clinical care, the partnership with Google Cloud is expected to empower physicians, nurses and others with workflow tools, analysis and alerts on their mobile devices to help clinicians respond quickly to changes in a patient’s condition. The partnership will also focus on impacting non-clinical support areas that may benefit from improved workflows through better use of data and insights, such as supply chain, human resources and physical plant operations, among others.

“The cloud can be an accelerant for innovation in health, particularly in driving data interoperability, which is critical in streamlining operations and providing better quality of care to improve patient outcomes,” said Thomas Kurian, CEO, Google Cloud. “We are honored to partner with HCA Healthcare on this unique opportunity to be at the forefront of advancing care through the power of real-time data availability to support clinical and operational workflows.”

The partnership will utilize Google Cloud’s healthcare data offerings, including the Google Cloud Healthcare API and BigQuery, a planetary-scale database with full support for HL7v2 and FHIRv4 data standards, as well as HIPAA compliance. Google Cloud’s data, analytics, and AI offerings will power custom solutions for clinical and operational settings, built in partnership with Google Cloud’s Office of the CTO and Google Cloud Professional Services.

Privacy and security will be guiding principles throughout this partnership. The access and use of patient data will be addressed through the implementation of Google Cloud’s infrastructure along with HCA Healthcare’s layers of security controls and processes.

Topics: Healthcare

Education: Cactus Smart Sink

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on May 25, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Our partners in the Capital Division have recently installed Cactus Smart Sinks. Cactus Smart Sinks are used to waste controlled substances.

Cactus Smart Sink for wasting Controlled Substances

  • Use for wasting ONLY Controlled Substances
  • Do NOT use for non-controlled medications
  • See labeled locations for placing liquids, solids, and patches
  • NO needles, syringes, vials, medication packaging or trash in or on top of cartridges
  • Be sure to ALWAYS unwrap tablets from packaging before disposal
  • If full, beeping or flashing red, contact pharmacy

Please ensure you are aware of how to properly waste controlled substances at the facility you are working. 

Thank you for ALL YOU DO!


Topics: Capital Division, All Nurses

Emergency Alert Format

Posted by HWS Clinical Ops on May 24, 2021 12:05:39 PM

All facilities in the EFD will be transitioning to using Plain Language to announce emergency codes/alerts – Medical, Security, & Facility.  We are converting to this format of announcing our codes to improve the safety and responsiveness of all within our facilities – our patients, visitors, and staff. We are not changing how the staff calls codes, what will change is how the operator announces codes. 

Please review the attached huddle card and ensure you are aware of the Emergency alert process for your facility. 

Emergency Codes

Thank you for your attention to PATIENT SAFETY!

Topics: East Florida Division, All Network Staff

DAISY Award: Aaron Hicks

Posted by HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on May 24, 2021 12:03:58 PM

Aaron Hicks_image 2

Congratulations to Aaron Hicks, RN, on earning a DAISY Award!

Aaron was nominated by a patient at the Medical Center of Aurora for his outstanding kindness and ability to create an atmosphere that was relaxed and comfortable. Read the full nomination below:

"When we arrived yesterday at the room, we were scared, upset, and very worried. Aaron's amazing ability to calm and relax us worked immediately. His sense of humor, kindness, gentleness, and willingness to talk with us put us at ease. Aaron's smile is infectious and we appreciate him so much. 

Thank you for employing such wonderful people like Aaron. He was an absolute blessing for us during our stay."

Please join us in congratulating Aaron on his DAISY Award! 

If you're interested in joining the HealthTrust team, click here to browse our available job opportunities. 

Topics: Nurse Appreciation, Healthcare, HealthTrust, Nurse Recognition, DAISY Award

Medical City Fort Worth - 4th Annual Awards Day Event

Posted by HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on May 17, 2021 5:32:02 PM

Nightingale Award

HealthTrust Workforce Solutions congratulates Clarissa E., R.N. for receiving the Nightingale Award while on assignment at Medical City Fort Worth. Clarissa works with HealthTrust staffing partner Medical Solutions. The Nightingale Award is presented to nurses that exhibit excellence within the nursing profession and each participant must be nominated for this award. Clarissa, we are thankful for your dedication and commitment to patient care!

Topics: Healthcare, Nightingale Award

Clinical Operations

As nurse leaders within HealthTrust Workforce Solutions, we partner with our colleagues to promote clinical excellence throughout the communities we serve. HealthTrust advocates on behalf of our ultimate client, the patient, ensuring that they receive the highest quality, cost-effective care in a professional, compassionate, and ethical environment. 

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